As ABB Channel Partner for Instrumentation and Analytics, AutomatiX has participated in the annual MEA Channel Partner Conference which was held in Dubai from October 7 till October 9, 2019.
During the Conference, AutomatiX has presented its success project: “Metn Water Supply and DMA”, for which we have been awarded the Best Success Story of 2019.
The Conference assembled all together ABB Measurement & Analytics Management and Technical Team along with ABB Channel Partners from MEA and Africa.
“Partnering for Growth” was the headline topic presented by Sabine Buss, Business Line Managing Director for Measurement & Analytics, followed by Daniel Lemos, Hub Business Line Manager Middle East & Africa.
Along with five other success stories from MEA and Africa, AutomatiX project was presented to the attendance. The project consists in a cloud-based SCADA-interconnected monitoring system for the water supply in Metn areas, starting by the tanks, toward the pumping stations and finally the District Metering Areas.
SIEMENS SIMATIC SCADA WinCC OA / ETM Professional Control GmbH upgraded the Official Partnership Agreement with AutomatiX to the PREMIUM SOLUTION PARTNER known as the highest level for SIEMENS SCADA System WinCC Open Architecture. AutomatiX is proud of this long and solid partnership and thanks SIEMENS Management team for their continuous trust and support and thank Ing. Michael Steigberger Head of Sales Digitalization - Software and Service at SiemensIng. Bernd Staufer / Director Business Development SCADA And Ing. Andreas Büdke Head of SCADA Business Development GER & OS. This took place during the annual SIEMENS Gobal SCADA Conference SSCE 19 held this year in Milano - Italy and grouped partners from all over the world.
AutomatiX participated in IoT Leb Conference 2019 held in Universite Saint Joseph / ESIB Campus as both member of the steering comitte and in the devices panel. Since the IoT Leb Foundation, AutomatiX is trying to support as much as possible to evolve more and more the IoT and IIoT Sectors in Lebanon knowing that AutomatiX started developing associated projects starting 2015.
IoT-Leb is a leading IoT event that actively contributes to the development of a mature IoT ecosystem in Lebanon. The mission of IoT-Leb is twofold: bringing the IoT into the Lebanese market and positioning Lebanon on the IoT world map. The first 2017 edition organized by the Faculty of Engineering ESIB, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, gathered 400 participants around insightful discussions and exhibitions demonstrating that Lebanon has the required ecosystem to develop innovative IoT solutions for a wide variety of applications.
AutomatiX participated in Smart Beirut SBS 2018 Edition as panelist to project AutomatiX vision of Smart Beirut and to explore SIEMENS Solutions in the Smart Cities startign from the simple meteing toward smart grid, SCADA Systems, Smart Lighting, Smart Parkings, Smart Environment and more.
Smart Beirut Summit (SBS’18) was held under the Patronage of the Lebanese Prime Minister His Excellency Mr. Saad Al Hariri at the Antonine University in December 18, 2018 to shed the light on Beirut City Digital Transformation as well as on the undergoing efforts to put the city on the worldwide map of digitization.
AutomatiX participated as Jury member in Agrutech Program, Part of Berytech. Selection day for the end of the acceleration phase for #agrytechaccelerator batch 2. with Elias Bachaalany, Henri Asseily, Yolla Serieddine, Kamal Tarazi, Rony Kaddoum, Samar Hawa and Bijan Azad.
Up to 8 teams will be selected to join the 6-month incubation program - the third and final phase of the Agrytech Accelerator.
The Agrytech Program aims to source the top startups with disruptive innovations in the Agri-Food sector and provide them with the adequate technical and business resources as well as community support to scale their ideas into successful businesses with global impact.
As continuity to our efforts to support the young gnerations and engineers, AutomatiX participated as usual being a Jury Member in LIRA 13 Forum held in Palais Des Congres in Dbayeh.
LIRA brings together academic and industrial expertise, providing an opportunity for industry and academia, both public and private, to meet and exchange their research findings. The first Conference and Exhibition in 1997 showcased applied research output that had been accomplished in a collaborative effort between industry and academia. Ever since, the developed projects and products have been exhibited annually after being subjected to rigorous scientific evaluation, and rewarded for excellence in applied research. In 2016, LIRA initiated a fund for further supporting the costs of industrially oriented projects undertaken by academics. This encouraged technological innovation for the purpose of upgrading production processes, creating jobs compatible with the ambitions and capabilities of our graduates, and incubating new ideas that may be turned into start-up businesses, many of which are directly sponsored by industrialists. LIRA’s annual forum showcases the contribution to the creation of new production lines in several factories and even to the launch of new technical firms, as well as to improved university engineering and science course offerings.
AutomatiX participated in the annual ABB Instrumentation and Analytics Channel Partners Conference held this year in Abu Dhabi in October 2018, Yas Island and joining partners from across the globe.
The conference highlighted the latest innovations in the fields of instrumentation and analytics with the wide range of ABB portfolio
AutomatiX participated in the annual SIEMENS SIMATIC WinCC OA User Day as official Solution partner.
The event took place in Vienna, capital of Austria in May 2018 and covered the latest releases and innovation of SIEMENS SCADA Solution with emphasize on the IIOT and the industry 4.0 revolution and integrations.
AutomatiX participated in the annual SIEMENS Building Technologies Conference as the Solution partner for the territory of Iraq.
The event took place in Berlin, Germany in May 2018 and covered the latest releases and innovation of SIEMENS Building Technologies for the Building Management Systems, Comfort, Fire Alarm and Fire Fighting Technologies.
The Lebanese Ministry of Water and Power and the Establishment of Water of Beirut and Mount Lebanon entrusted AutomatiX to install the first IOT based district monitoring system in the country.
The system is based on I2O data logging technology from the UK and aims to monitor in real time the variable required for the proper distribution of water in main channels of Metn District.
Significant number of I2O devices has been installed in critical intersections of the network.
These data-logging devices are monitored by the water authority (EBML) for any deficiency, leak or any other abnormal operation in real time in order to act promptly and effectively in case of malfunction.
The total number of data-loggers is increasing significantly day by day, due to several reasons and advantages of this system, out of which we can cite : the low cost of installation, the ease of operation and maintenance( battery for 6 years) and for sure the absence of a central SCADA system.
Our CEO Eng. Elias Bachaalany and LIRA Jury member was decorated with an honorary award during the 13th LIRA Forum, for his extensive services to the program, helping numerous students/pioneers to achieve their missions and most importantly sculpting their character and preparing them for the bright future which awaits their shining talent.
Mr. Bachaalany decision to seize his activity in the LIRA program this year, was awarded for his yearlong contribution in building a more promising future for the talented engineers of today.
The LIRA program is a Forum of Technology and Industrial Innovation. It brings together newly developed academic-industrial projects from universities. With the participation of International Guest speakers, highly ranked Government Officials, Academics, and Industrialists to discuss forward efforts contributing to the enhancement of cooperation between young generation of future engineers, researchers and industrialists.
Dr. Toni Issa, President of IPT Energy Center (IPTEC), Mr. Elias Bechaalani, CEO of AutomatiX and Mr. Bernard Stauffer, head of Business Development of Siemens Scada Systems, were hosted on the 14th of February 2017 at MTV Alive morning show to talk about their collaboration in creating a successful and one of a kind Automated Fuel Monitoring System implemented at IPT for the first time in the Middle East. During the interview, they explained about the system and focused on its numerous benefits for the company, the employees and the customers at the same time. Mr. Stauffer confirmed that the software created by Siemens, programmed by Automatix and used by IPT is unique and allows 24/7 live monitoring directly from IPT Headquarters, meanwhile Dr. Issa explained that the success and the pioneering aspect of this system transformed it into a global product of Siemens that was announced in its Exhibitions worldwide entitled "Oil and Gas Solutions, from the Refinery to the End-User on Gas Stations". After his field visit to IPT terminal and headquarters in Amchit, Mr. Stauffer commented on IPT's strict commitment to the highest safety and quality standards.
"The success of the oil and gas companies is directly related to the level of automation and smart features used by a given company", Mr. Bachaalany stated in one of his interviews.
The tailor-made solution deveopled by AutomatiX, dedicated to the oil and gas business enables the management of the company to have complete and accurate control over its premises all the times, this includes accurate readings of the fuel stocks in the terminal tanks, by measuring the level, the temperature as well as the density before, during and after the ship unload.
On the other hand, this system enables the company to have an eye on the fuel stations by monitoring in real time, the underground tanks (level and temperature), the flow of the filling pumps.
The direct advantages of this system is its ability to be connect to the ERP of a given company and therefore obtaining the exact monetary equivalent of the fuel stock thus allowing the financial department to extract its information from the system and in real time.
Click for detailed video
As one of the major players in the Internet of Things technology on the country level, and after having successfuly delivered projects based on the IoT, AutomatiX took place in the first IoT conference at the prestigious Saint Joseph University- Faculty of Engineering.
The panel consisted of high acumen business executives and the discussions revolved around the future of the IoT and the required infrastructure to be developed so that Lebanon would be among the nations establishing technology in the core of its activites.
The yearly Exhibition of SPS IPC Drives taking place in Nuremberg-Germany is the utlimate venue for indutrial and technology oriented businessmen, engineers and professionals involved in industry.
AutomatiX was invited by Siemens ETM to present its pioneer solution dedicted to monitoring of tank farms.
This solution attracted numerous professionals in this field, where they came to hear more about how to increase the profitablity of their premises and decrease significantly their technical and non-technical losses as well as maintaining an eye over their facility all the time.
AutomatiX presented its award-winning customized solution for the oil and gas industry at SPS IPC Drives In Nuremberg as Siemens guest at the automation pavillion of the show
During the trade show, AutomatiX presented as well its success story for the automation of the compelete refining process of Ethanol. This solution has been duplicated for several large scale facilities in the African continent.
AutomatiX participated in Baghdad trade fair 43, as Siemens representative in the Iraqi market. During this fair and as Siemens official agent for the Building Management Systems (BMS) in Iraq, AutomatiX displayed the already executed projects in the Iraqi territory which include highly important religious monuments as well as large scale health care and hospitality venues all over the country.
AutomatiX reprented Siemens as its official agent in the Iraqi market in Bghdad Trade Fair.
In addition to the BMS solution, AutomatiX presented dedicated automation systems for the indutry and the infrastructure, since the Iraq is an emerging market and in need for such type of services.
On Monday February 13, 2017, Siemens’ International Business Director Mr. Andreas Budke as well as the Head of Sales and Marketing Worldwide, Mr. Bernhard Stauffer, visited IPT Headquarters in Lebanon accompanied by Mr. Elias Bachaalani, CEO of AutomatiX, to congratulate both IPT & Automatix for the success of the First Automated Fuel Monitoring System in the ME launched at IPT.
During their tour in IPT premises, Siemens representatives met Dr.Toni Issa, CEO of IPT, and were able to gain insight into the implementation of the automated monitoring system on site. The tour included a visit IPT's central control room at IPT headquarters, which insures successful and effective inventory control and operations management at the gas stations, including the authenticated synchronized price change over the entire chain and online metering of fuel dispensers, underground tanks, energy management, truck and car wash systems, etc… In additin to a visit to IPT terminals and stations, as the Fuel Monitoring project offers a complete remote and accurate management and control of all the operations on the station, covering the entire supply chain from the unloading of petroleum products at IPT terminal, to the distribution and storage of the products at the gas station, and the sales to the consumer.
These facts caught the attention of our visitors who presented to IPT and AutomatiX an official appreciation letter from Siemens to certify the importance of this project which became even more evident after the visit and after the feedback received all around the world.
This system sparked global interest with Siemens transforming it into an International product under the theme of: "Oil and Gas solutions, starting from the supply chain reaching to the consumer’s vehicles
Worth mentioning that IPT's Central Monitoring and Control System was launched back in 2015 by IPT , and is provided by AutomatiX in partnership with the German Leader SIEMENS. This system sparked global interest with Siemens transforming it into an International product under the theme of: "Oil and Gas solutions, starting from the supply chain reaching to the consumer’s vehicles". IPT's Automated fuel Monitoring system was showcased in International exhibitions where SIEMENS promotes its most innovative solutions through discussions and knowledge sharing in addition to shedding light on the importance of Digitalization and its effect on improvement.
انطلق وزير الصناعة حسين الحاج حسن بصفته رئيس هيئة الاشراف على برنامج انجازات البحوث الصناعية (ليرا)، من أهمية البحث العلمي التطبيقي الذي اصبح ركيزة ومنطلقاً لكل تطور صناعي وتقدم اقتصادي، ومن "النجاحات المتواضعة والخبرة المتراكمة في إدارة الإبتكار"، ليؤكد أهمية وضع برنامج "ليرا" على سكة المأسسة. وتمهيدا لذلك، أكد السعي الى "ايجاد شريك مموّل لإنشاء "مركز ليرا للنماذج السريعة"، الذي يضم حاضنة صناعية، وإنشاء صندوق ليرا للإستثمار لتوفير الأدوات والمناخ المناسبين للطّلاب المبدعين من الجامعات العشر المتعاقدة، وغيرهم من الباحثين وذوي الخبرة المؤهلين، لتحويل ابتكاراتهم نماذج صناعية، ومن ثُم اطلاق مؤسساتهم ضمن خطة عمل مجدية". وقد لاقى النائب الثاني لحاكم مصرف لبنان سعد العنداري الوزير الحاج حسن عند منتصف الطريق، عبر تأكيده استعداد مصرف لبنان لتوفير دعم مالي للبرنامج، فكان توافق على ضرورة تحويل البرنامج مؤسسة مشتركة بين القطاعين العام والخاص، بمشاركة الجامعات ومراكز الأبحاث. اطلقت امس الآلية التي سيعتمدها البرنامج لدعم المشاريع البحثية المشتركة بين القطاع الصناعي الممثل بجمعية الصناعيين من جهة، والجامعات العشر المنتسبة إلى البرنامج عبر طلاب كليات الهندسة والعلوم ومشاريع التخرّج والدراسات العليا المرتبطة بمتطلبات الصناعة، وذلك في حضور عضوي الهيئة رئيس جمعية الصناعيين فادي الجميّل والأمين العام للمجلس الوطني للبحوث العلمية معين حمزة، الوزيرين السابقين عبد الرحيم مراد وعدنان السيد حسين، النائب الثاني لحاكم مصرف لبنان سعد العنداري وعدد من رؤساء الجامعات. افتتح المنسق العام لبرنامج "ليرا" سعيد حمادة حلقة الحوار بتقديم لمحة عن مسار البرنامج وتطوره منذ اطلاقه في العام 1997. وأعلن الحاج حسن آلية الدعم عبر "تخصيص دعم مادي يقدم سنوياً، استكمالاً لمواكبتنا لمشاريع الأبحاث العلمية التطبيقية، في 5 اختصاصات ذات منفعة للقطاع الصناعي، اذ ستكون له الأفضلية للإفادة من صناديق تمويل الإبداع التي انطلقت أخيراً، بتحفيز من المصرف المركزي، وتهدف الى توجيه جزء اساسي من الصناعة نحو اقتصاد المعرفة". وكشف أن "برنامج إنجازات البحوث الصناعية مستعد لتقديم دعم مالي لمشاريع التخرج (المرحلة الجامعية الأولى) أو الدراسات العليا المشتركة بين أحد الصناعيين والجامعة، وذلك بمبلغ يحدد كل سنة في ضوء الموازنة، وبحد أدنى لثلاثة مشاريع لكل جامعة عضو في البرنامج، اذ يُقدّم طلب الدعم من الصناعي والجامعة معاً، على أن يتضمن تنفيذ المشروع اتفاقاً صريحاً بين الصناعي والجامعة.
وإنشاء صندوق ليرا للإستثمار لتوفير الأدوات والمناخ المناسبين للطّلاب المبدعين من الجامعات العشر المتعاقدة، وغيرهم من الباحثين وذوي الخبرة المؤهلين، لتحويل ابتكاراتهم نماذج صناعية، ومن ثُم اطلاق مؤسساتهم ضمن خطة عمل مجدية
IPT Central Monitoring System from AutomatiX on Vimeo.
أطلقت شركة أي بي تي النفطية بالتعاون مع شركة Automatix وSiemens الألمانية مشروع مكننة شاملة لمحطات أي بي تي في لبنان. انّ هذا النظام هو الأوّل من نوعه في الشرق الأوسط ويهدف الى تأمين رقابة شاملة ودقيقة لكلّ عمليات نقل وبيع المحروقات من المستودعات النفطية الى المحطات ولغاية وصولها الى سيارات المستهلكين، منعا للغشّ والتلاعب بالجودة وتأكيدا على دقة الكميات. يتمّ التحكّم بهذا النظام عن بعد عبر غرفة مراقبة مركزية موقعها في المقرّ الرئيسي لأي بي تي. تتضمّن وظائف هذا النظام مراقبة مستويات المحروقات وجودته في الخزانات، وصهاريج النقل، وماكينات التعبئة المنتشرة على المحطات في كلّ لبنان، كما يتحكّم عن بعد بتسعيرة المحروقات ومراقبتها في كلّ الأوقات.
وقد تمّ اختيار هذا النظام في العام 2015 كأحد أفضل الحلول المعلوماتية التي صمّمتها Siemens في العالم.
As a first step for the penetration in the Iranian market, AutomatiX participated in Tehran International Fair.
The objective was to obtain a clearer image of this emerging market and to check the market needs.
New and large scale projects are on their way, and the need for latest technology solutions is high.
Iran is on the fast track to recover and this high rising market is very promising in the near future.
ETM a Siemens company and the company behind the Simatic WinCC Open Architecture, held its annual conference in Bilbao Spain.
AutomatiX has been chosen to present the first solution ever based on WinCC OA and dedicated to oil and gas industry.
At the end of the conference, AutomatiX has been chosen among the three finalists to show case this solution in all its details so the other Siemens partner would benefit from it and duplicate it each into its market.
More than a hundred partners participated in this conference and AutomatiX was chosen among the three finalists to show case its solution.
Siemens Building Technologies International CEO Mr. Damien Nirousset, honored us by visiting our offices with the high level executives of Siemens Building Technologies.
Siemens BT International CEO honored AutomatiX by visiting our offices.
Since AutomatiX is Siemens BT partner for Iraq and part of the African Continent, the discussions were centered around the business strategy for those country and ways to develop further the awareness of Siemens BT in those markets.
AutomatiX participated in the Siemens Building Technologies Global Partner Conference in Basel Switzerland. Highly experienced engineers from AutomatiX took part in this conference, where Siemens presented its latest inventions in the fields of Building Technolgies and Confort.
This event offered users and partners alike another opportunity to gain an impression of the extensive scope offered by the Scada system WinCC OA. This year’s gathering was opened by local hosts Francois Gerin, Vice-President of Siemens France, and Thierry de Vanssay, Regional Director of Siemens Lyon. ETM CEO Bernhard Reichl offered an insight into the strategy of ETM professional control GmbH, which is part of the Siemens Group. Frank Baudach, Global Head of Product Management for SIMATIC Scada, talked about current strategy and the prospects for future development in the field of SIMATIC Scada over the coming years. Bernhard Staufer, Director of Sales & Marketing at ETM, presented a number of special projects implemented over the past year, and introduced the latest newcomers to the WinCC OA Solution Partner program.
Under the Patronage of His Excellency The Minister of Industry of the Republic of Lebanon, Dr. Hussein Haj Hassan and during the Exhibition for Lebanese Industrial Research Achievements organized at UNESCO, AutomatiX has been awarded by the minister for its contribution in the success of the LIRA program as member of the technical jury and as member of the project evaluation committee.